Garlic Spray For Grasshoppers (an ideal solution?)

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If you’ve noticed your garden becoming a snack bar for grasshoppers, you’re probably seeking an effective and safe solution. It’s frustrating to see your hard work devoured by these relentless pests. Understanding this, we offer a simple, natural solution: garlic spray for grasshoppers. This spray protects your garden without resorting to harsh chemicals.

The pungent odor of garlic repels grasshoppers, while the dish soap helps the mixture adhere to the grasshoppers’ bodies, suffocating them. Repeat the application every few days or after rain, as garlic spray may wash off easily. However, while garlic spray is effective, it may also repel beneficial insects, so use it carefully and considerately in your garden.

fresh garlic bulbs and cloves ready to chop on wooden cutting board in kitchen

As you read on, you’ll discover how easy it is to prepare this garlic spray with ingredients you likely already have at home. We’ll guide you through each step, ensuring you feel confident tackling the problem head-on.

This natural pest control method will help safeguard your plants and align with eco-friendly gardening practices, making it a win-win for you and the environment.

Humble Highlights

  • Discover how effective garlic spray can be in your backyard garden in repelling hungry grasshoppers AND how to make your homemade brew so you can protect your plants with a natural and non-toxic alternative that’s safe for use around children, pets, and beneficial insects.
  • Save time with this done-for-you approach of preparation and application of garlic spray that’s cost-effective and eco-friendly that’s a popular and convenient option for gardeners so you can fight back against pesky grasshoppers.
  • Uncover unique application tips when using garlic spray to protect your budding garden so you can reduce the need for harsh, synthetic chemical pesticides in your garden, promoting a healthier and more natural gardening environment.

Benefits Of Garlic Spray

Garlic spray offers a natural, effective method for repelling grasshoppers in gardens. It repels these pests and controls harmful bacteria and fungi that threaten plant health. Garlic spray’s organic properties make it eco-friendly while avoiding harsh synthetic chemicals.

homemade garlic spray

Preparing garlic spray at home is simple. It requires common ingredients such as garlic, oil, soap, and water. This affordable approach saves money while safeguarding your garden.

Although garlic may not kill grasshoppers outright, regular application of this garden elixir helps keep grasshoppers away, ensuring the well-being of your plants. Additionally, the scent of garlic contributes a unique aspect to gardening activities. 1

Ingredients Needed

Garlic spray serves as a natural repellent for grasshoppers threatening your plants. The core component, garlic, is chosen for its potent smell that naturally wards off grasshoppers.


  • 2 whole bulbs of garlic
  • 1 quart of water
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap


  • Crush or mince the garlic cloves.
  • Add the crushed garlic to a quart of water and let it steep overnight.
  • Strain the garlic water into a spray bottle and add the teaspoon of liquid dish soap.
  • Shake the mixture well to combine.


  • Spray the garlic mixture directly onto the grasshoppers and on plants where grasshoppers are present.
does garlic spray kill grasshoppers

Benefits Of Garlic

To prepare a garlic spray for combating grasshoppers, you must collect garlic cloves, dish soap, water, and mineral oil. Garlic is beneficial for natural pest control due to its sulfur compounds, which effectively repel garden grasshoppers.

This spray is safe to prevent these pests without using harmful chemicals. Regular application of garlic spray can control and diminish grasshopper populations, safeguarding your vegetation. 2

How To Make

Creating a garlic spray using household items is a straightforward method for deterring grasshoppers in the garden. This natural pest control solution requires garlic cloves, water, dish soap, and mineral oil. Here is a concise table detailing the necessary components for your DIY garlic spray:

Garlic ClovesDeter grasshoppers and other pests
WaterMix the solution for application
Dish SoapEnsures adherence to foliage

Assembling these ingredients and following the instructions to produce your garlic spray will safeguard your garden from grasshopper infestations. This environmentally friendly and economical approach promotes a thriving garden ecosystem.

Application Tips

To effectively use the garlic spray against grasshoppers, start by gathering garlic cloves, dish soap, water, and mineral or vegetable oil.

The spray preparation involves crushing the garlic cloves and mixing them with water, dish soap, and oil. This concoction works to deter and eliminate pests such as grasshoppers by suffocating them.

However, before applying it broadly throughout your garden, it’s essential to test this mixture on a small section of your plants to ensure it doesn’t damage them.

Humble Tip:

Applying garlic spray in your garden in the evening yields optimal results since that’s when grasshoppers are most active. To maintain a pest-free garden, reapply the mixture periodically.

Garlic contains sulfur compounds, such as allicin, which are believed responsible for its insect-repelling properties. These compounds can irritate insects like grasshoppers, causing them to avoid plants treated with garlic spray.

Additionally, the pungent odor of garlic can mask the scent of plants that grasshoppers are attracted to, further reducing their likelihood of feeding on treated plants.

While garlic is known to repel grasshoppers, the effectiveness of garlic spray as a control method may vary depending on the concentration of garlic used and the frequency of application. Some studies suggest garlic spray can repel grasshoppers but may not necessarily kill them. Therefore, garlic spray is often used as a deterrent or repellent rather than a lethal control method. Check out the short video below that explains the process one backyard gardener took with this unique strategy!

Steps To Make Garlic Spray

Crafting a garlic spray to deter grasshoppers is straightforward and effective. With few ingredients and minimal preparation, your plants will soon be safeguarded from these unwelcome visitors.

Ingredients Needed

To prepare an effective garlic spray for repelling grasshoppers in the garden, you’ll need fresh garlic bulbs, a spray bottle, and water. Garlic contains sulfur compounds that are unwelcome to grasshoppers. These compounds interfere with the insects, protecting your garden plants. 3

A spray bottle facilitates the application process, allowing even distribution of the garlic solution on the plants. Regularly using this spray can prevent grasshopper damage and help manage their presence in your garden. This straightforward method offers a natural, environmentally safe approach to maintaining a healthy garden without grasshoppers.

will garlic spray hurt plants

Preparation Steps

  • Start by peeling and finely chopping garlic cloves due to their ability to repel insects.
  • Mix the chopped garlic with water in a container and let it steep to enhance its potency.
  • After sufficiently steeping, filter out the garlic bits, resulting in a pungent garlic liquid.
  • Add dish soap to this extract. Adding dish soap increases the mixture’s adherence to the grasshoppers upon application.
  • Dilute the garlic solution with more water to ensure its safe application on plants for effective grasshopper deterrence. This final step adjusts the concentration, making it suitable for use without harming the plants.

Application Tips For Effectiveness

To enhance the effectiveness of garlic spray against grasshoppers, apply the solution in the evening, coinciding with their peak activity period. This strategy ensures the spray impacts the grasshoppers during their feeding time, increasing the treatment’s success.

diy garlic spray for grasshoppers

When preparing your garlic spray, thoroughly coat both sides of the foliage. Grasshoppers feed on different parts of plants, so comprehensive coverage guarantees the spray contacts the pests, improving its ability to control them.

For optimal results, reapply the garlic solution every few days to sustain its deterrent effect on grasshoppers. A pump sprayer is advisable for extensive areas to save time, achieve an even distribution, and cover all potential grasshopper habitats. 4

It’s vital to regularly assess the effectiveness of the garlic spray and adjust the application frequency accordingly for enhanced management. Adhering to these guidelines will help control grasshopper populations in gardens or yards.

Safety Considerations When Using

When using garlic spray, it’s crucial to wear protective clothing to avoid skin irritation or potential allergic responses. Insects often reside in vegetation; thus, personal protection is a necessity. Additionally, ensure that children and pets are kept at a distance from areas where the spray has been applied to prevent unintended contact and potential irritation.

The application should be avoided on breezy days to minimize the risk of the spray drifting to unintended locations or affecting non-target plants. It’s also essential to verify that the treated plants won’t suffer adverse effects from the garlic spray, such as powdery mildew. Seeking advice from gardening experts or doing some research can confirm whether the spray is suitable for specific plant varieties. 5

Humble Tip:

When applying garlic spray to edible plants, the harvest must be thoroughly washed to eliminate any remaining spray residue. Prioritizing safety when utilizing any garden treatment is essential for the well-being of both individuals and vegetation.

Natural Alternative To Chemical Sprays

Garlic spray serves as an effective natural solution for managing grasshoppers in gardens. To prepare this repellent, combine 1 cup of chopped garlic with 1 cup of water. Allow the mixture to stand overnight, then strain it into a spray bottle for use.

Below is a straightforward table for creating garlic spray:

1 cup garlicCut into pieces
1 cup waterCombine with garlic
Spray bottleFill for application
StrainerUse to filter mixture
ContainerStore the solution

Utilizing garlic spray safeguards your plants and maintains a garden without resorting to synthetic chemicals. This method offers a harmless and eco-friendly approach to repelling grasshoppers, ensuring your garden’s health without affecting beneficial insects. 6

When you notice grasshoppers, apply this homemade solution to protect your garden effectively.

how to make garlic spray for grasshoppers


Garlic spray offers a natural, effective solution for deterring grasshoppers without harsh chemicals. It is simple to prepare and apply and acts as a gentle yet powerful barrier to protect your plants.

Many have found this method beneficial and reassuring for their gardens, knowing they’re choosing an environmentally friendly option. As you embrace this approach, you’re taking a positive step towards safeguarding your green space in harmony with nature.

Utilizing garlic’s natural properties fosters a healthier, more organic gardening approach. Therefore, employ garlic to protect your garden from these pests.

Let this be a reminder that the most straightforward solutions can sometimes bring about the most significant impact.

Have you successfully protected your backyard garden from encroaching grasshoppers with garlic spray? Let us know your mixture and how you applied it in the comments below!


  1. ResearchGate – Prospects Of Using Garlic Extracts For Pest Control In Sustainable Agriculture
  2. MDPI – Prospects Of The Application Of Garlic Extracts And Selenium And Silicon Compounds For Plant Protection Against Herbivorous Pests: A Review
  3. Maine Organic Farmers And Gardeners – Garlic Oil
  4. Howtopedia – How To Use Garlic As A Natural Pesticide
  5. Colorado State University, Extension – Grasshopper Control In Gardens And Small Acreages
  6. Wikipedia – Garlic

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